Department of
Patient experience
In the patient experience department, we are dedicated to improving the experience of patients and their families who visit us and are treated at our hospital.
We have a staff ready to guide patients in all their concerns through printed material such as brochures and billboards located in the areas where patients frequent. We are also available to receive your suggestions through the mailboxes located in front of the elevators on each floor of the hospital tower, emergency, cancer center, imaging center, laboratory, vaccination, professional tower reception or deliver it directly to the patient experience department.
In this way, we will be able to provide them with a better service.
In our patient experience department we make sure that each patient receives the best care and we comply with their rights.
- Be correctly identified and called by name.
- Receive appropriate, timely, socially and culturally acceptable care, regardless of their purchasing power.
- To be cared for with respect and care in accordance with their human dignity.
- Privacy and confidentiality during their care, protecting their social and psychological integrity.
- Information about your condition will be kept confidential and handled in a professional manner, preventing your medical history from being known to anyone outside of your care.
- Have your family present if you wish, whenever possible.
- Every citizen has the right to request voluntary departure, or discharge, which must be formally requested through a form.
- To have access to spiritual support.
Likewise, it is important that the patient also fulfills his or her duties.
- Comply with and respect the Hospital's internal regulations, which will be explained to him/her or his/her family upon admission.
- To provide correct and truthful information about their condition and any social and epidemiological aspects.
- Comply with your treatment and attend follow-up appointments.
- Respect health personnel.
- To care for and protect the Hospital's facilities and belongings.
- Respect and be supportive of other patients.
- Maintain proper personal hygiene and contribute to maintaining a sanitized environment.
- To care for and conserve the resources that the institution places at its service.
Diagnostic procedures
- Coronariografía diagnóstica
- Cateterismo derecho
- Biopsia intramiocárdica
- Ventriculografía. Aortografía. Arteriografía pulmonar
- Ecografía intracoronaria
- Guía de presión intracoronaria
- Estudios electrofisiológicos
Therapeutic procedures
- Angioplastia simple, multisegmento o multivaso convencional (solo con balón).
- Angioplastia con implante de prótesis intracoronaria (stent), simple, multisegmento o multivaso
- Angioplastia de oclusiones coronarias crónicas
- Aterectomia coronaria (Rotablator)
- Trombectomía manual y mecánica
- Trombolisis trasncateter
- Pericardiocentesis diagnóstica y terapeutica
- Implantación de marcapasos temporales y definitivos (uni y bicameral)
- Implante de cardiodesfibrilador y resincornizador cardiaco
- Implantación de balón de contrapulsación intraaórtico
- Implantación de dispositivos de hemostasia arterial
- Angioplastia primaria con servicio de alerta 24 horas 365 días al año
- Thoracic - abdominal aortogram
- Mesenteric arteriography
- Arteriography of lower limbs
- Arteriography of upper limbs
- Angioplasty of upper and lower limbs
- Mesenteric angioplasty
- AV fistula correction
- Aortic endoprosthesis placement
- Vena Cava Filter Placement
- Mechanical aspiration of thrombi in venous and arterial system
- Arteriografía cerebral
- Arteriografía carotidea y de vasos intracraneales
- Angioplastia carotidea
- Embolización de aneurisma cerebral
- Trombolisis mecánica
- Angioplastia arterias cerebrales
Non Invasive Cardiology Department
- Ecocardiograma
- Electrocardiograma
- Prueba de esfuerzo
- Ecocardiograma fetal
- Holter
- Mapa
- Ecocardiograma straim
- Ecocardiograma con contraste
- Stress ecocardiograma
- Tilt test
- Ecocardiograma trans-esofagico
- Cardioversión eléctrica
Cardiovascular Surgery Department
- Colocación de Parche u Homoinjerto Supravalvular
- Reintervención de Revascularización Cardiaca
- Reemplazo de la Válvula Aortica C/Prótesis mecánica o Bi
- Reemplazo de Válvula tricúspide C/Prótesis mecánica o Bi
- Reemplazo de la Válvula Mitral C/Prótesis o bioprótesis
- Reemplazo o Reconstrucción de dos o tres válvulas
- Reemplazo de Válvula Aortica y Aorta Ascendente
- Revascularización Cardiaca por Implantación de otras Arte
- Reparación o Drenaje Venoso Pulmonar Anómalo P. de Venas
- Reparación de Defecto Interauricular con Sutura Continua
- Reparación tetralogía de Fallot con Estenosis de Ramas Pu
- Reparación de tetralogía de Fallot
- Comisurotomia Valvulotomia Pulmonar (Abierta)
- Reconstrucción de Arteria Pulmonar
- Transposición del Retorno C/Parche o Septación
- Comisurotomia Valvuloplastia Aortica Via Abierta
- Reemplazo de válvula Pulmonar Con Implante Protesico
- Reparación de Canal Atrio Ventricular Parcial
- Reparación de Canal Atrio Ventricular Completo
- Resección de Membrana Subaortica
- Valvuloplastia Pulmonar (IPED)
- Reparación Defecto de Tabique Interventricular (CIV)
- Reparación Defecto de Tabique Interauricular (CIA)
- Reparación Defecto de Tabique Interauricular C/Prótesis
- Derivación Cavo Superior a Arteria Pulmonar Glenn clásico
- Pericardiectomia
- Derivación Cavo Superior-Pulmonar Dejando Flujo Anterogra